Facebook, Google and Big Data: Privacy Concerns at All-Time Highs

It seems like every week Facebook is in the news for a new violation of privacy. Tech giants Google and Amazon aren’t shy about making headlines, either. And, every few weeks we learn something new and terrifying about how our data is being mined, manipulated, stolen or sold. It’s no wonder privacy concerns are at all-time highs!

More people are becoming aware of the cult of Big Data. And, as companies get sneakier about taking our personal information and using it to manipulate us, the resistance has begun. Movements like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) show just how seriously consumers are about protecting their privacy.

What can you do to protect your data?

The easiest way to protect your data is to control how much of it you share online. Here are a few smart tips anyone can follow:

  • Clear your cookies and flush your web browser’s cache every few days. This removes saved data from the browser, so it can’t be scraped or stolen.
  • Update your passwords monthly or use a password keeper like MyPassLock to generate long, complex passwords.
  • Don’t save data to auto-fill forms. It might take you a few seconds longer to fill them out each time, but your data will be safer!
  • Use credit card randomizers when shopping online. Most major credit card companies offer this service free of charge.
  • Sign up for a service that detects when your data is changed or used on the web. Services like MyCleanID send you instant alerts when your data is at risk, so you can act fast.

Limiting how much data you put out there is the first and best line of defense. Managing data you already have out there is a close second. Keeping tabs on stored data and taking steps to remove it or protect it will keep you safe against malicious data theft attempts.

Fight back against Big Data

It can seem like an impossible task to fight back against tech giants like Facebook and Google. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t! Taking steps to secure and erase your personal information is your right as a PC user!

Start by closing accounts you don’t use and opting out of data collection in accounts you do use. In most cases, you can limit the amount of information available to a company or opt out of having your data sold. In cases where you can’t, consider using a competing service or erase as much information as you can from your account if you plan to continue using it.

You can even take the fight to your own hard drive and operating system, to ensure your data is always safe. PC cleaner apps like MyCleanPC offer settings to target and delete leftover data lingering on your hard drive! This means even in the event of a virus or spyware, your data isn’t falling into the hands of someone else.

Nothing beats peace of mind

You use your PC every day, for all sorts of important reasons. The last thing you need is to worry about your data being stolen or use maliciously against you. Take steps to protect your privacy by staying on top of your data!