Battle Royale Games are Pushing PC Operating Systems to the Limit

It’s impossible to not know about the battle royale craze in PC gaming right now. Fortnite has taken the world by storm, quickly reaching 200 million players, with more than 80 million active each month. Keeping pace is Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG), with more than 225 million accounts and close to 90 million players monthly. Now, Apex Legends has hit the gaming scene, tallying 25 million players less than a month after launching in 2019!

If these stats tell us anything, it’s that the battle royale genre isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it’s growing at an exponential rate like no other PC gaming genre before it!

But there’s a big problem with these games that’s causing frustration among players. It’s not the games themselves—it’s the hardware required to play them.

Pushing PCs to the limit

Battle royale games pit as many as 100 different players against each other in a single match. It’s a gloriously fun time… until your computer’s fan starts whirring and your game starts to lag! When this happens, there’s no point in playing because you’re at a significant disadvantage.

The cause of these issues is easy to identify. Graphics cards and processors have to render tons of actions in a high-definition environment. Often, they can’t do this efficiently. To make matters worse, computers get hot and performance dips. Sometimes, players pay even boot themselves due to lag or the game itself may crash!

How to enjoy PC gaming

Most dedicated PC gamers will take their computer problems as a sign it’s time to upgrade their hardware. Unfortunately, this is majorly expensive! And, it might not always be necessary. Sure, if your graphics card is 5 years old it might not be equipped for battle royale games. But, if you have a new PC exhibiting these issues, there might be an easier solution.

Consider PC maintenance. Doing a full, deep, comprehensive clean of your computer can work a little bit of magic, freeing up computing power so you can game lag-free. Think about it. If you’re not dedicated RAM to wasteful processes, you’ve got more computing power to render a fast-paced battle royale environment!

Thoroughly cleaning your PC also alleviates stress on your operating system. Removing corrupted registry files can prevent in-game crashes, just like defragmenting your drive can keep save data and preferences from corrupting. Cumulatively, it’s a great way to get maximum performance while gaming.

Catch battle royale fever!

If you’re experiencing lag or dropping games because your PC can’t keep up, it’s time to explore solutions. Before you drop hundreds on new components or a new gaming rig, give yours a thorough clean. You might be surprised at how much computing power and speed are restored to your operating system!

Whether you’re a Fornite player, prefer PUBG or are fresh on the Apex Legends hype train, you’re going to need a PC in tip-top shape to compete. Download a PC cleaner like MyCleanPC to give your system the best shot at keeping you competitive in the battle royale genre.